Fees, Terms and Conditions

Lesson charges

Please note that these times do not include arriving, greeting you and setting up – they represent the total teaching time. I do not teach back to back lessons so there is time for feedback and lessons are not rushed. I will advise on the best lesson duration and this usually changes as a pupil advances.

Payment for Regular Lessons – School Age Pupils

The first 4 lessons in the ‘trial period’ are ‘pay as you go’ and can be paid in cash or by BACS.

After this trial period, if possible, payment for lessons should be made in advance, 4 at a time.

If this is not possible a special request can be made to pay weekly, with the understanding that the same cancellation charges apply.

Adult and Occasional Pupils

Please make payment in advance or at the lesson by BACS where possible, otherwise in cash.


Cancellations by the teacher will not be charged – any monies already paid will be carried over to the next lesson/newly arranged lesson or refunded where appropriate.

Cancellations by the pupil - Please give as much notice as possible – preferably 24 hours minimum. No shows/cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged. In some instances, and where I haven’t been inconvenienced, it may be possible to ‘catch up’ the time at the next lesson(s) or re-arrange. This, however, can’t be guaranteed.


Please do not come to the lesson if you have a cold or any bug, however slight, unless it is the very tail end and you/the pupil feels fully recovered.  Likewise, I will not teach if there is a chance I may be infectious. If there is uncertainty we an online lesson may be offered if the teacher (me) or the pupil feels well enough.

Terminating Tuition

Pupils with regular, weekly slots should give 3 weeks’ notice if the pupil decides that lessons are to be discontinued. If this is agreed mutually, however, no notice is needed.

During the first month (trial period) for school age pupils the pupil or teacher may decide to discontinue tuition at any time without giving notice.